Bookplan is used as a booking system for patients at the hospitals in the Northern Region of Denmark. The purpose of the platform is to contribute to increased efficiency and better experiences among patients. As a partner Netic operates the platform, which is developed by Capgemini.

Partners: Oracle
Database infrastructure ranking among the best in the world. Benefit from Netic’s many years of experience with licensing and provision of the right infrastructure for your applications.
Database infrastructure ranking among the best in the world. Benefit from Netic’s many years of experience with licensing and provision of the right infrastructure for your applications.
The database is the heart of most applications. Without a well-functioning and high-speed database, the user experience will most often become poor. Netic has more than 15 years of experience with Oracle databases and associated hardware. This is your assurance for a well-functioning application and proper licensing of the associated hardware – and by this a manageable economy throughout the entire life span of the application.
Bookplan for the Northern Region of Denmark
Semco Maritime – Oracle Database Hotel
Netic hosts Semco Maritime’s ERP system, IFS, in an Oracle Database Hotel. Netic is responsible for the operations of the Oracle database, which is placed in Netic’s data centre in Aalborg.
Elektronisk Patient Journal (EPJ)
Den Elektroniske Patient Journal (in English: Electronic Health Records) is used by the Region of Southern Denmark and the Region of Northern Denmark, and it is based on Columna Cura by Systematic. The regions have the actual operations responsibility. However, for the Region of Southern Denmark Netic acts as a consulting operations partner, for instance, in connection with the choice of Oracle databases and hardware.
Oracle databases and hardware
Oracle’s databases exists in five versions, which each are adjusted according to different needs for development and deployment. Netic can deliver Oracle databases in all sizes, from replicated setups to enterprise-based setups. Based on Netic’s many years of experience, can our experts serve both as an advisory role as well as a consultant and operating role.
At Netic we have extensive experience with operating Oracle on Oracle’s hardware. Thus, we have comprehensive knowlegde of both the software and the hardware, and we also offer counselling about the licences of Oracle. We know what is needed in order to make your application run, and which licence model is suitable for you.